Kent is a committed educationalist who will assess the musical potential and learning needs of the individual, and devise a specific learning plan to assist the student to achieve his/her learning goals in the shortest possible time.
For Beginners and Young Children – Adopt a child-led approach with careful guidance. Follow the child’s sensorial experience and developmental pace to help him/her to create a unique learning pathway to develop the technique of music making. Using the ‘unconscious – conscious – reinforcing’ learning cycle to develop the fundamental skills of music making For Intermediate Improvers – Continue to improve musically and technically by raising the awareness of different areas of performance such as effective preparation, playing technique and performance psychology. For Advanced Learners - To fully integrate music and creativity by finding the connection between music and the ‘inner soul’. Coaching on techniques on how to consistently find this connection, to master the piano fully and exploring the piano’s unlimited sounds and colours. The ultimate aim is to attain enjoyment in the process of music making with the most creativity, confidence and consistency. |
兒童及初學者教學方法以兒童為主導(Child-led approach),着重啟發心靈及感官學習,協助兒童建立其對音樂獨有的體會;透過度身設計的音樂活動,引入正統的鋼琴訓練,使他們能夠在「無意識 - 有意識 - 強化及鞏固」的循環學習模式中,奠定最穩紮的音樂基礎。 中等程度學員教學將針對指導學員的整體演奏,改善彈奏技巧,培養音樂表現力,助其建立自信,提升彈奏質素。教授如何應付練琴和演奏時遇到的各種技術上和心理上的挑戰,使練習變得更有效率,演奏變得更有趣。 高等程度學員教學將集中於幫助學員發掘及掌握鋼琴豐富的音色,提升彈奏技巧,加強音樂素養,改善表達能力及演繹方法,以提升個人的演奏水平。以音樂表達內心世界,建立個人的藝術風格,發揮個人最高的演奏境界。 |